As the web site ( states, cybernetics takes as its domain the design or discovery and application of principles of regulation and communication. Cybernetics treats not things but ways of behaving. It does not ask "what is this thing?" but "what does it do?" and "what can it do?" Because numerous systems in the living, social and technological world may be understood in this way, cybernetics cuts across many traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Howard Gossage explains cybernetic model of communication as: "You do one ad and see what happens; then you do another. He believed that there is feedback in every ad and he based all his creative work on consumers' feedback. He wanted to use media to connect with people and hear what they had to say and to tell them things, and to have a conversation with them instead of just talk at them. One of Gossage's main principles in work was to treat people as human beings rather than as consumers.
My example of cybernetic advertising is a Skype travel challenge called Rerouted. This advert shows how consumers' feedback could be used in creating a campaign. Viewers of this TV ad become a part of the ad, by solving tasks they help the main character to reach his goal.
"Pereira & O'Dell San Francisco has launched for Skype a travel challenge of clue-solving across Europe. Skypeâs Travel Brand Ambassador, Mike Cory from Kick the Grind TV, was dropped off in Istanbul on November 12th and is relying on the audience to get him home by Thanksgiving. From Turkey to Turkey Day. He is powered by only a Surface Pro 2, Windows 8.1, Skype and the audience. Mike will be using @SkypeMoments during his trip, so follow him there and keep your eyes on #SkypeRerouted to track his progress and help him get home. The audience can also Skype directly with Mike at mike.corey8. Go to for official rules. Crack the clues and send Mike the answer using Skype, Facebook or Twitter via #reroutedclue. It could net you Skype vouchers and some neat swag".
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