Monday 14 January 2013

Levi's Laundrette

Postmodernism characteristics are: "An emphasis on surface, image…a lack of seriousness expressed through modes of pastiche, parody and irony; blurring of critical boundaries between high and low art, historical and present, the different genres …host to multiple intertextual references"

René Magritte: Fine Art vs Advertising

Since the late 19th century when the advertising industry was born, there has always been a great connection between advertising and fine art. It is obvious that eye-catching campaigns with usage of affective paintings are necessary for ad agencies success. And the Belgian Surrealist René Magritte has had a biggest impact on the advertising industry both at his time and today.

LMS ads

There are several reasons why LMS ads are typically modernist.

Firstly, modernist aesthetic considers bold designs, simplified forms and striking colours. And all these visual features had been used by modern artist creating advertising posters for LMS.


So clean

The Lever’s creative adverts had been influenced by the historical context.
In the end of 19th century the large-scale colour printing technology had developed a lot that enabled companies to use it for creating their advertisements.