Saturday 26 October 2013

The Gaze

There are several most commonly used in advertising forms of gazes which are: the spectator's gaze, the intra-diegetic gaze, the extra-diegetic gaze and the look of the camera. Here I have some examples to illustrate all of them:

Saturday 19 October 2013


Plato Simile of the Cave

In the Simile of the Cave Plato uses an allegory to illustrate human nature in its education and desire of education. It can be explained as some sort of a journey from ignorance to enlightenment.
 For prisoners from the cave the shadows on the wall are sort of reality, for Plato they are just illusion and belief. He then explains, that philosopher is like a prisoner who came out from the cave and started to realise that the shadows he's been seen all his life are not the form of the reality at all, because now, Fred from the cave with an opened mind the philosopher can perceive the true "real" form of reality rather then just faded shadows. Plato also called this process the ascent of the mind from illusion to pure philosophy.

Monday 11 February 2013

Creative social media campaign

I've chosen #giftpicks social media campaign by REI because, in my opinion, this campaign could teach us how to use social media to cater to company's customers, individualize their experience, and create a meaningful relationship. I think this approach might be considered as revolutionary compare to majority of social campaigns the main purpose of which is just to entertain or inform.